Monday, September 5, 2011

Baked Cookies today...

Yummy sugar cookies. These are simple cookies, easy to make on a lazy day. These are the simple cookies using a glass bottom to flatten.

It's Labor Day and our family is taking it easy. There is nothing going on in our town. Yesterday we stayed home and relaxed... and thinking that's what we will do today. Looking to see what Tastefully Simple dips I can make today... maybe some bountiful beer bread with a warm dip... YUMMY!

If you would like this recipe, make a comment below with your email address and I will send to you. Have a wonderful Labor Day! What are you doing today?

1 comment:

  1. Cherie, thanks for linking up to my Homemaking Party! Sugar cookies are an always a quick favorite of mine because they can be easily made fancy! Hope you enjoy your lounging day with your family. My family and I have been enjoying this cool weather and are headed to my parents for a grill out, 4wheel riding and fishing!


I would love to see your comments! Thanks for stopping by!

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