Thursday, April 7, 2011

In the Cookie Mood!

So today, I am thinking about frosted cookies. I used to make these for different events. Crazy but I have about 1000 cookie cutters! I haven't made any in awhile... I think it's time! Here are some cookies that I found ... pretty cool.
Perfect for the season! I usually make these for my son's team!
May is just around the corner... get these for your fiesta!
Cute for an Easter Party... I love the ears!

Royal Wedding... get these at

Perfect for Easter...

Cute fashion bags...

Great for a baseball party or gathering...
They look delicious don't they! I am going to order a set of cookies from , they have some really cool looking cookies! I am thinking for my Vault Denim and Gold Canyon parties, I will make a set of cookies... jeans with bling and candles! I think that would be cute! I could make a cookie that looks like the logo... that would be a lot of black icing. I think I should order some edible ink and print them... hummm good thought and I think I will order today. That would be easier!

What kind of cookies do you make? Just wondering!

*Also, if anyone is wondering about Vault Denim or Gold Canyon business opportunities... you can sign up anywhere in the United States. If you sign up under me and you are in another state, I will help you every step! Really... I will. I was reading that most households have some sort of side business... this designer denim business or Gold Canyon can be for you. FUNDRAISERS? Do you need to raise money for your organization... Gold Canyon has an awesome one. Contact me for more info.

If you would like a PDF of the pattern to make this headband... comment below with your email. I will send them out on Friday evening! Enjoy!


  1. I love the baseball cookies, how cute! And super cute headband too! I would love to make one. My email adress is

    :) Jill

  2. I just found your blog!! Love it! I would love to make a headband.
    My email is Thanks and have a great weekend!

  3. I would really love to get a copy of that pattern! Thank you!

  4. Yum and sweet little headband! Thanks so much for linking up to Beyond The Picket Fence.

  5. So glad I found your blog! Can you send me the headband pattern? My email is Thanks!!

  6. How fun! I need to get out my cookie cutters!
    Thanks for linking up to Making It With Allie! I can't wait to see what you have for next week!

  7. i'd love a copy of that pattern! i love how lacey it looks!

    katydi21 @ gmail dot com

    thanks for being so generous!

  8. Thanks for linking to Creative Juice! Hope to see you back this week...

  9. those cookies are amazing. i only wish i could decorate them so well. i'd love a pattern shansen20@hotmail dot com

  10. Love your sight and would love a copy of the headband pattern. Thanks


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